# Create A Domain Resource

# Steps For Creating a Domain Resource Identity Token

Before beginning this Step, you must ensure you have access to an EMail Address that belongs to the same Domain. You will need to first Create A EMail Digital Token using this address, before you can create the Resource Domain Token

  1. Click on the Home tab in HexaEight Authenticator and Choose Create New Resource
  2. You will be prompted to choose a Resource Type, Choose Domain.
  3. You will be prompted with a list of email address, Choose the email address that belongs to the Domain
  4. You will be prompted to Choose a the Login Token, continue by tapping on the Token
  5. You will be prompted to enter the domain name. Enter the Domain name and Click Ok. Enter the exact domain name like help.example.com or just example.com without HTTP or HTTPs prefix.
  6. At this point if the password for the Email token is set correctly, a message should appear stating that the Resource Identity for the domain has been processed and its saved in the vault. Before closing the dialog box, make note of the TXT Record information that is necessary to be added to your DNS to prove that you own the Domain.
  7. Go back to the Vault associated with the EMail Address, the Resource Identity token should be visible under the Authentication Tokens.
  8. Go to your DNS provider and add the TXT record that is necessary to prove that you have Domain ownership and wait for the TXT record to get propagated to external DNS servers. Remember that this TXT record is required to be present every time you need to assign and authorize this Domain Identity to any Resource Server