# Deploy On CloudFlare Worker

In order to install the Server Side Code base, you need access to your Cloud Flare account and have the ablility to authenticate using wrangler using an API Token. In addition, you also need to have ability to create a worker in your Cloud Flare Account.

Limitations: CloudFlare current does not support registering only a subdomain as this feature is limited to Enterprise customers as such you can deploy HexaEight Serverless only for Top level domains and not subdomains. If you need to support subdomain, you should consider deploying on other providers like vercel which support subdomains.

How To Deploy

  1. Subscribe to one of our Plans and obtain an API Key.

  2. Deploy the Cloud Flare Worker Template by following the instructions.

    Follow the Instructions available HERE under the README section to Deploy HexaEight Serverless using a Cloud Flare Worker.

  3. Download and install the Mobile Application and create a Login Token. Instructions for Our Mobile Application Are Available Here

  4. Access your login page which should be available at https://login.yourdomain.dom/loginpage

  5. Test the Authentication using the Mobile App.

# CF Worker Metrics

Cloud Flare Workers allow limited execution of Workers under the Free Plan and unlimited execution in the Paid Plan however it is important to understand the number of times a worker is called to complete HexaEight login process.

The Cloudflare worker Script is called when accessing the below EndPoints

  1. Accessing the Login Page /login/loginpage
  2. Mobile application submits an encrypted token to the Private Datasink. /login/sink
  3. Displaying the Dashboard Page upon successful login /login/loginsuccess
  4. While using any of the below endpoints
    • login/getuseremail - To get the user email using the cookie if the user is logged in
    • login/extendSession - To extend the user cookie session if the user is logged in.
    • login/getsessionexpiry - To check the time remaining before the Cookie expires in order to extend the Cookie session.

The /login/extendSession endpoint will only try to extend the cookie expiration by an hour if its called within the last 15 minutes prior to cookie expiry. Trying to extend the cookie expiry 15 minutes before wont work since it involves a cost factor of using HexaEight RAPID API key to extend the session. So it is advisible if you invoke /login/getsessionexpiry first to check if the time remaining is less than 15 minutes before attempting to extend the cookie session.

A typical login sequence uses up 3 requests in a Cloud Flare worker. There is no logout sequence implemented since your application has to just delete the cookies to implement a logout sequence if you really want to logout an user or in a SSO environment, do not implement any logout sequence, since the user needs to have access to other applications using the same logged in cookie.

From your application perspective, you will only need to only implement extending cookie session by calling the Cloudflare worker prior to cookie expiry to keep the user active in your application.

HexaEight Serverless sets the below three cookies after a user has logged into your domain.

hexaeightsessionid : codechallenge

Example :

Hexaeight Sessionid cookie contains the code challenge presented by the Client Application to the Server Server side code base. You can use this code challenge like in a PKCE authorization to verify the authenticity of the JWT token which is available in the hexaeighttoken. It is very useful to deploy this kind of check in an external service to verify the authenticity of the JWT token before allowing access to the service.

Alternatively, you could even use the code challenge as an symmetric key to encrpt data between the calling application and the external service, so that the external service knows that only an application which has access to the code challenge will be able to decrypt the data.

hexaeighttoken : JSON Web Token

Hexaeight Token contains the JSON Web Token containing the user identity and can only be decoded by calling HexaEight Fetch Cookie User API Endpoint

{ iss : auth.hexaeight.com, 
user: [email protected],
state : User Authenticated Successfully,
clientcodechallenge : xqjIYBERvjcwjHcIGJ4ZkQUABHIwmSZm6z_OFtJE9OA,
securetext: HexaEight Default Login  Application version 1.6.8,
aud : rapidapiuser,
iat : 27301399,
nbf: 1638083923,
exp: 27301459}

The above decrypted information is available after a successful call to Fetch Cookie User EndPoint

hexaeightuserinfo:[email protected]:1638087540000 

HexaEight User Info cookie contains information about the user logged in along with expiry time in unixtime milliseconds.
If you do not want to call Worker token endpoint you can use this value to determine the cookie expiry time before which the session needs to be extended.

JWT Expiry: The cookie set by HexaEight Serverless expires exactly at the same time when the cookie expires. At times you might wish to use the JWT directly in an external or internal service to keep the user logged in to perform some background tasks on behalf of the user. So it may be viable for you to implement a background service that extends the cookie expiration instead of calling the worker script since the worker script is dependent on the cookie.

You can extend the JWT by invoking the Extend Auth Token End Point using your Rapid API key associated with the Client Secure Code (Client ID) by sending the JSON Web Token as a post request to the EndPoint and receive an new JWT extended by one hour. You can then call the Fetch Cookie User end point to verify the extended JWT.

Additional Information about EndPoints is availabe in the EndPoints Section on this page.

# CF Audit Logs

HexaEight Serverless logs the email address of any user who attempts to login to your application in a KV namespace on CloudFlare called AUDITLogs. These logs are stoed as Key value pairs have a default ttl expiry of 1 week after which they get automatically expired deleted. It is your responsibility to export these entries into a log database for log term retention.

Here is a Sample GitHub Project that shows how to export KV namespaces to a SQLite

Logs are categorized into four types and explained below:

Key - Stores the Time at which the login was attempted.
Value - Stores the user information who attempted the login and the action outcome.


LoginSuccess : User was successfully authenticated.
LoginBlocked : User was valid but blocked because Email Domain Filter was active.
CookieExtensionSuccess : JWT inside the cookie was extended successfully by one hour.

Security Note: A user who tries to login with a wrong password into HexaEight Serverless residing in your domain, will not even be able to generate an encrypted token, since our Platform will detect this and block the user, hence you will never be able to see any Log of unauthorizied user attempts without email addresses since our platform handles it and doesent even let that request reach your Domain.

# Customize Login Pages

At times you may want to customize your login page to include alternate login options along with HexaEight Authentication. If you wish to implement your own login page design, you can do so by following the below guidelines.

Create the below two div tag elements along with two buttons and place it at an appropriate location.

<div id="display-hexaeight-qrcode"> </div>
<div id="display-hexaeight-qrcodeid"> </div>
<button id="login-hexaeight-button"> Login </button>
<button id="scan-hexaeight-qrcode"> Scan QR Code </button>

Include the below Script tag and change the values to the input parameters Change the servername to your preferred subdomain and the redirecturl to any successpage of your choice

<script id="hexaeightclient" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/hexaeight/jslibrary/hexaeight-token-quickauth.js" servername=subdomain.yourdomain.dom" path="/" redirecturl="/anysuccesspage.html" clientappcode="your client id" datasinkprotocol="https" datasinkurl="login.yourdomain.dom/login/sink"></script>

And your custom login page should be ready.


The default loginpage is served under login.yourdomain.dom by the setting in wranger.toml where as the above servername setting is the subdomain where the custom login page is being displayed.

Remember that Cloudflare Worker is deployed for all subdomains under yourdomain.dom Any url with the path ending in /login followed by anything is intercepted by the worker as shown below,

So any subdomain can be protected by deploying a custom login page and invoking our quickauth script which uses the /login to initiate the page protection.


We have already designed a Sample login page to show case this capability.
You can follow the same and implement your own login page.

This above sample login page is also available at HexaEight-Auth-CFWorker-Template on GitHub.