
  1. Download the Windows (64 bit version)
  2. Setup instructions:

    • Create a Windows account (local or domain)
    • Log in and extract the downloaded file, Generate your Licensed file by following the steps outlined in Machine Token Utility (hexaeight.mac)
    • If you plan to use Face Authentication don't forget to run VC_redist.x64.exe before configuring your Token Server and change the FACEAUTHENTICATION environment variable to True in the next section
  3. Ensure the License environment variables have been set:


    Use the set or setx command as described in the Machine Utility section upon obtaining your License.


1) Generate Captcha configuration files: - This will create the required configuration files: captchapolicy.csv & captchamodel.conf

C:\Data\machinetoken>HexaEight_Token_Issuer.exe -y
Captcha Configuration CSV Files - Generated Successfully

C:\Data\machinetoken>dir cap*
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 6899-B06C

 Directory of C:\Data\machinetoken

09/11/2024  01:54 PM               512 captchamodel.conf
09/11/2024  01:54 PM               979 captchapolicy.csv
               2 File(s)          1,491 bytes
               0 Dir(s)     977,915,904 bytes free

2) Generate the Timecode required for Token validation.

C:\Data\machinetoken>HexaEight_Token_Issuer.exe -t
Enter Synchronization Time Code : [Press Enter To Generate a New Time Code]
Generating New Time Code ...
New Time Code : 28768365
Attempting to Set This Token Server To Use This Time Code ...

C:\Data\machinetoken>dir clients
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 6899-B06C

 Directory of C:\Data\machinetoken\clients

09/12/2024  06:20 AM    <DIR>          .
09/12/2024  06:20 AM    <DIR>          ..
09/12/2024  06:20 AM               988
               1 File(s)            988 bytes
               2 Dir(s)     977,133,568 bytes free

  • The .slf file in clients directory indicates that the Time code Key was successfully generated

3) Advanced Security : Edit captchapolicy.csv to specify only allowed email domains (Optional)

# Captcha Sample Policy File

# -----------------------------------------------------
# Allow Any Email Address to request for a Captcha
# Denying a captcha for a user might result in the user
# not being able to complete the login process.
# -----------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
p, /*,, CAPTCHA, enable
p, /*,, CAPTCHA, enable
p, /**,, CAPTCHA, enable
p, /**,, CAPTCHA, enable

4) Custom port and HTTPS (Optional) - Modify appsettings.json to change the default HTTP port (5000) or add HTTPS support.

  "Kestrel": {
    "Endpoints": {
      "Http": {
        "Url": ""
        "HttpsInlineCertFile": {
        "Url": "",
        "Certificate": {
          "Path": "certificate.pfx",
          "Password": "CertificatePassword"

5) Start the Token Server by Enabling Quick and Enterprise mode flags: - The Quick mode uses faster encryption algorithm while the enterprise mdoe ensures it can support multiple Token Servers in the same environment

C:\Data\machinetoken>HexaEight_Token_Issuer.exe -q -e
Token Server Quick Mode Enabled.
Enterprise Mode Enabled.

Current Resource
Note: Ensure to verify the permissions of the current Directory
 and remove everyone except Service owner for Security purposes.

HexaEight Tokens
Default Swagger URL : http://hostname:PORT/swagger/index.html
If you do not have a appsettings.json file the default PORT is 5000
Determining and Completing List of External Resources For Fetching ASK Keys... Done
HexaEight Token Server Started Successfully

6) Launch HexaEight Token Server at boot time (Optional)

  • Use tools like nssm to create a Windows service
  • This ensures your Token Server starts automatically at boot time
  • Don't forget to open the firewall port (default: 5000)

Sample starttokenserver.bat

timeout /t 30
c:\Data\machinetoken\HexaEight_Token_Issuer.exe -q -e 1>c:\Data\machinetoken\tokenserver.log 2>c:\Data\machinetoken\tokenserver.err


timeout /t 5
c:\Data\machinetoken\HexaEight_Token_Issuer.exe -q -e 1>c:\Data\machinetoken\tokenserver.log 2>c:\Data\machinetoken\tokenserver.err

goto loop

Sample nssm commands

nssm install <ServiceName> C:\path-to\tokenserver\starttokenserver.bat
nssm set <ServiceName> ObjectName ".\<current Username>" "<your Password>"
nssm set <ServiceName> AppDirectory "C:\path-to\tokenserver"
nssm set <ServiceName> Start SERVICE_DELAYED_AUTO_START