
HexaEight Is an Identity Provider (IdP) that creates, maintains, and manages identity information for users and machines and provides authentication as a service to Relying Applications. Hexaeight uses cutting-edge authentication technology that uses its own patent-pending encryption to secure user identities.

We believe that users can enjoy a seamless, secure and futuristic authentication experience by implementing our authentication solutions. Our Platform supports User-To-User, User-To-Machine, Machine-To-User as well as Machine-to-Machine authentication and employs advanced security measures.

HexaEight Platform allows you to integrate both Authentication and Authriorization as part of its implementation.


Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user, device, or system. It involves validating the credentials provided by the user or machine using the credentials that was used at the time of account creation.


Authorization is the security mechanism that is used to determine user/client privileges or access levels related to system resources including computer programs, files, services, data and application features. This is the process of granting or denying access to a network resource which allows the user or machine access to various resources based on the identity.

Authentication Mechanisms

HexaEight deploys two distinct mechanisms, to authenticate end users. At the heart of its Platform, it uses a patent pending encryption technology during the authentication process.

  1. HexaEight Mobile Application uses the patent pending technology to verify EMail users using their EMail address. Upon successful verification, the Mobile application allows them to create a EMail Login Token that is tied to their email address along with a password known only to the user.

  2. Customer Applications use One-Time-Access-code mechanisms OR HexaEight Sessions (with capabilty for Application Layer Encryption) to authenticate users in Applications.

Authorization Mechanisms

HexaEight provides a Token Server that handles the authorization for the Customer Applications. HexaEight Token Server can also be configured for integration with existing external authorization components to facilitate multi-layered authorization in customer application.

Key Features

  • Eliminate User Registration and Signup For Customer Applications
  • Authenticate Any EMail User including Social Logins
  • Integrate Email Or Face Authentication in your Application
  • Integrate Token-less Authentication and Application Layer Encryption using HexaEight Sessions in your Application
  • Integrate Authorization using Customer controlled HexaEight Token Server


HexaEight is an Identity Provider using a patent-pending encryption technology for authentication and authorization. It offers various mechanisms for applications to integrate authentication and authorization of user and machines through a Token Server in any external application.